The Unique-looking Black Moorish Fish That Attracts
The Black Moor Goldfish is one of my pet fish, and its deep black color makes it the most unique and Read more
The Black Moor Goldfish is derived from the chef carp. It has an almost round body shape and no long tail fin. This pitch-black fish has unique eyes that protrude like a telescope. It also has a smooth and soft body texture when held. Black moor goldfish can survive in a variety of water temperatures.
Common Name
Blackamoors, Moors
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
Carassius auratus
Carassius auratus
The Black Moor Goldfish is one of my pet fish, and its deep black color makes it the most unique and Read more
Product Offers for Black Moor Goldfish Care: Tetra TetraPro Goldfish Crisps Fish Food, or find other offers here